Thursday 6 February 2014

traditional cultural dress - snowball number one

My first project in a grade 12 art class is to make a series of artworks that are connected by materials or by topic.  I must create a minimum of 3 art works to start my series.  I have 3 ideas for my series.  Now is just brainstorming and snowballing ideas off of my art teacher and my creative mommy at home.

My first idea was to take three cultures culture and create an abstract version of a women from this culture in her traditional dress.  My ideas for the cultures was Chinese, east Indian, and traditional aboriginal, or Hawaiian

.  This is traditional and ceremonial dress for a woman in china. they dress very bright in red, gold, white and pink.  they were a very detailed headdress and there hair is usually pulled back from their face or done up.  the color red in their culture means alot to them.  it is a very respectful color.

This is an example of traditional east indian dress for a women. They were a veil over there hads, and dress in very bright vibrant colors.  gold and silver, also gems and lace are very common in theirstyle.  showing s little bit of skin is not a big deal in this culture.

This is a traditional jingle dress that the aboriginal wear during celebrations called powwows.  These dress's are decorated with bright colors and small bells that make the jingle sound when dancing.  part of why dancing is the music. animal furs and feathers may be incorporated into the outfit as well.

1 comment:

  1. Haley, I remember the discussion we had about this theme, and until I read your post, I couldn't really visualize what you had in mind. This helps me understand your thoughts so much better! Now that the pictures are all together, I can see why the idea of traditional dresses would appeal to you. This is fantastic. Imagine the materials that you could explore? Silk, leather, metal, beads, the list could go on and on.
