Monday 3 March 2014

graffiti as a base, what is and isn't art

Lately I have been obsessed with the graffiti view of art.  Most people think of graffiti as vandalizing and against the law.  The way I look at it, its not the graffiti and the tags that's against the law, its where you do it.  There are some crazy talented people out there.  I tried spray painting about 3 years ago but my skills in art and precise movements and lines and shapes weren't as good as they are now.  When I recently tried spray painting or as its known in bigger places, "tagging", I was in my basement with 3 colors because that's all I had to work with, my music blasted as loud as it could go, and a piece of paper. I lost track of time and actually ended up spending a few hours on this tag that I made of my last name in graffiti letters.

In the last while after I made the tag of my last name and the rose portrait, I heard from a few people that "graffiti isn't art?".  I happen to disagree, because the photographs that some artists come up with is amazing.  The precision of the lines and the colors they use.  I think that you could look at tagging and spray painting the way a snowboarder or a figure skater or a gymnast looks at what they do.  Its all art just maybe its at different levels of artistic measures in different eyes of a viewer.  I think that art is what you make it, if you want it to be art it will be.  Others might not always see it as art but you just have to know yourself, that you made it to be art and somewhere, in some other place someone will look at what you have made and say, "that's beautiful".

In my eyes I can define what is and isn't art,  but that's in my opinion, I can't tell you whats art and what isn't you have to decide that for yourself.  If I was to define art as anything? I would tell you that art is something that you do because you love to do it.  Art is something you cannot do because someone is telling you that you have to do it.  It has to be something that you want to do, that you want to accomplish and make and call yours. Art could be something that you do when your upset or happy and just need to get it out of your system in a way that will be progressive.  Art might be your escape when things get tough or art might be what you do as a living.

For me art is something I do to get things off my mind, when I'm doing art I don't have to think about anything.  I play music and focus on the lyrics and lots of time the lyrics of my music determined what I'm going to paint, or make or draw or whatever I'm doing.  I like spray painting specifically because its like looking at the big picture,   maybe to you its just a painting but in my paintings is what I'm feeling and what my emotions are, coming out on paper instead of crying about it or being aggressive towards people.

I wont tell you what is or isn't art.  Its like quitting something you've been doing for a long time, you cant do it because someone else wants you to, you quit because you want to, think of art in the same way.  You have to decide for yourself what is or is not art, all I can do it tell you my opinion.





The last four pictures were found on the website given below

The first picture with the legos was found on google.